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Encaminamiento – Training mit den Maya Ältesten aus Guatemaya
April 27, 2023 @ 10:00 - April 30, 2023 @ 19:00 CEST
During this meeting, we will have the opportunity to learn from the Mayan Elders how to connect with the spirit of Cacao and how to conduct ceremonies to create a safe space. Members of the Mayan Elders of the Tz’utujil tribe from Guatemala will come to our country. Mayan knowledge was guarded and kept secret until recently. Today, members of the Elders are open to share the knowledge of their ancestors – outstanding astrologers, mathematicians, architects, creators of a highly developed, mystical civilization and culture.
The term comes from the Spanish word camino (road). Encaminiento can be understood as “guiding someones path”. It means introduction and guidance on the path of spiritual development. In Mayan culture, the student-teacher relationship is very important. In tradition, every teacher has his teacher. Mesoamerican people ask each other: “Quién te encamino?” or “Who is guiding you?” or “Who initiated you?”.
🔥 We divided the activities in the training into 3 main blocks:
TRAINING / EDUCATION (conducting ceremonies, educating the ceremony guide, cosmovision and the Mayan Calendar in the context of the cacao ceremony)
TREATMENTS AND PRACTICES (sweat lodge, herbal baths, Mayan massages, tobacco consultations and work with it, body work)
Through theory and practice, we will prepare participants to lead the cacao ceremony on their own. The Mayans will share their knowledge of the cacao ceremony in the Tz’utujil tradition; what is its structure, mechanics and functions. We will learn how to open and close the ceremony by invoking the 4 directions of the world with their guardians. We will learn the role of the 4 elements, 4 colors. We will share the ways that every ceremony leader needs to know and understand. We will learn the role of movement, sound and music. We will explain what materials and items to use.
Thanks to the supervision of the Elders, we will be educated as people conducting ceremonies. Using their experience and the knowledge of their ancestors, we will define the qualities that a good guide should have. We will start the process of cultivating appropriate values in ourselves. With an individual approach to each participant, we will learn how to use our strengths, profession and specializations in conducting ceremonies.
We will learn how to prepare cacao using traditional methods. We will go through the full process of making the ceremonial drink. Working with cacao helps to raise awareness and open the heart. We will learn the history, meaning of cacao and folk rituals related to it. We will also share scientific knowledge about the chemical composition of cacao beans and researches that confirms its health properties.
During the training, participants will go through a series of treatments and practices, including:
Sweat lodge
Consultations and work with tobacco
Herbal baths
Psychophysical exercises
The training is intended for people who want to expand their experience on the way of personal development, as well as for people who are interested in conducting cacao ceremonies.
Participants of the training will receive a diploma confirming participation in the workshop. The Mayan elders will give advice on how to continue your development and path under the guidance of experienced guides.
Nana Marina Cruz – ist eine Heilerin vom Stamm der Tz’utujil. Sie ist eine spirituelle Führerin der alten Traditionen. Die Tochter von Tata Pedro Cruz arbeitet nicht nur als Heilerin und Therapeutin mit natürlichen Volksmethoden, sondern auch als zeremonielle Leiterin von Feuer-, Tabak-, Kakao- und Schwitzhüttenzeremonien. Als Verbreiterin der Maya-Weisheit setzt sie sich für die Bewahrung der Maya-Sprache, -Kultur und -Spiritualität ein und lehrt einheimische Maya-Sprachen.
Tata Juan Ismael Ixcol Perez – Maya K’iche. Er begann seine spirituelle Reise bereits in jungen Jahren. Er ist ein spiritueller Führer und traditioneller Maya-Tageshüter. Er leitet Feuer- und Tabakzeremonien. Er ist ein Knochenheiler. Ein Lebens- und Friedenswanderer.
Rosa Peneleu – Maya-Frau vom Stamm der Tz’utujil in Guatemala. Sie ist eine Lehrerin für zweisprachige Bildung, Enkelin von Nana Magdalena Ajcac, einer angesehenen Ältesten des Dorfes, die 2023 auf Europareise war. In den letzten Jahren leitete Rosa den traditionellen Vorbereitungsprozess für zeremoniellen Kakao. Ihre Spezialisierung ist das Wissen über Bauchmassagen und Dampfbäder mit medizinischen Pflanzen. Dies ist der erste Besuch von Rosa Peneleu in Europa.
Antonio Méndez Cruz – Enkel und spiritueller Weggefährte von Tata Pedro Cruz seit seiner Kindheit. Antonio ist einer der Jungen, die bereits in sehr jungen Jahren den Wert der Identität als Nachfahre des Maya-Stammes der Tz’utujil durch Kleidung, Sprache und Spiritualität betont haben. Dies ist der erste Besuch von Antonio Méndez Cruz in Europa.
Agnieszka Sypek – Piniak – Psychotherapeutin, Tanz- und Bewegungstherapeutin, Beraterin für Recall Healing / Total Biology, Therapeutin für Systemeinstellungen, eine Person, die Menschen auf ihrem persönlichen und spirituellen Entwicklungsweg begleitet und unterstützt, Sängerin, Tänzerin, Performerin, Reisende. Seit 1997 führt sie originelle Workshops und Einzelsitzungen im Rahmen von Mystery of Body and Spirit in Polen und im Ausland durch. In ihrer Arbeit kombiniert sie viele Methoden zur Arbeit mit Körper und Geist, verwendet verschiedene Formen kreativen Ausdrucks, Meditation, Schamanismus und viele andere Werkzeuge und Techniken zur Transformation und Erweckung des menschlichen Potenzials. Sie studiert die heiligen Traditionen der Menschheit, wobei sie sich hauptsächlich auf die schamanischen Traditionen der indigenen Kulturen Amerikas und Sibiriens konzentriert.
Tommy Harevis – polnischer Reisender, Musiker, praktiziert seit über 10 Jahren Kosmovision und Ritualismus der indigenen Völker Mesoamerikas.
ANMELDUNG FÜLLEN SIE DEN FRAGEBOGEN AUS – um ihn zu erhalten, senden Sie eine Nachricht an info@goldendeerartcenter.com ZAHLUNG DER ANZAHLUNG – wenn Ihre Bewerbung akzeptiert wird, senden wir Ihnen Details zur Anzahlung. WILLKOMMEN – nach Zahlung der Anzahlung ist Ihr Platz reserviert.
Die Anzahl der Plätze ist begrenzt.
ZEIT UND ORT 27.04.2023 – 30.04.2023 Beginn: 27.04. um 10:00 Uhr Ende: 30.04. gegen 19:00 Uhr
10 km nordöstlich von Tulln an der Donau, genaue Adresse wird nach der Anmeldung gesendet.
ESSEN Während des Trainings werden speziell für unsere Arbeit vegetarische Mahlzeiten zubereitet.
LADEN Guatemaltekische Handwerkskunst, Kleidung, Kakao und Musikinstrumente werden verfügbar sein.
- Kalendarzmajow.pl – Polnische Webseite, die dem traditionellen Maya-Kalender gewidmet ist.
- Nina Dąbrowska – Grafikunterstützung und Übersetzung
- Graciascacao.pl
- Konrad Lolo: Veranstaltungswebsite, Grafik, Texterstellung www.lolodesign.pl
Dies ist das erste Training dieser Art in der Geschichte Europas. Wenn Sie den Ruf spüren, wünschen wir Ihnen Bereitschaft und Mut, darauf zu antworten.
Nana Marina Cruz – is a healer from the Tz’utujil Tribe. She is a spiritual guide of the old traditions. The daughter of Tata Pedro Cruz works not just as a healer and therapist with natural folk methods, but also as a ceremonial leader of: fire, tobaco, cacao and sweatlodge. As a propagator of Mayan wisdom, she’s active towards preserving the Mayan language, culture and spirituality is teaching native mayan languages.
Tata Juan Ismael Ixcol Perez – Mayan K’iche. He began his spiritual journey from an early age. He is a spiritual guide, traditional Mayan Day Keeper. He leads fire and tobacco ceremonies.
He is a bone healer. Walker for life and peace in the world.
Rosa Peneleu – Mayan Woman from Tz’utujil tribe in Guatemala. She is a teacher of bilingual education, granddaughter of nana Magdalena Ajcac, a respected elder of the village that have been on european journey 2023. During last years Rosa have been leading the traditional preparation process of ceremonial cacao. Her specialization is the knowledge of how to massage the belly and vaginal steam baths with medical plants. This is the first visit of Rosa Peneleu in Europe.
Antonio Méndez Cruz – Grandson and companion in spiritual path of Tata Pedro Cruz since childhood. Antonio is one of the young ones that at very early age has emphasized the value of identity as a descendant of Mayan Tz’utujil people through its clothing, language and spirituality. This is the first visit of Antonio Méndez Cruz in Europe.
Agnieszka Sypek – Piniak – psychotherapist, dance and movement therapist, Recall Healing / Total Biology consultant, therapist of System Settings, a person accompanying and supporting people on their way of personal and spiritual development, singer, dancer, performer, traveler. Since 1997, she has been conducting original workshops and individual sessions as part of Mystery of Body and Spirit in Poland and abroad.
In her work, she combines many methods of working with the body and mind, uses various forms of creative expression, meditation, shamanism and many other tools and techniques for transforming and awakening human potential. She studies the sacred traditions of humanity, focusing primarily on the shamanic traditions of the indigenous cultures of the Americas and Siberia.
Tommy Harevis – Polish traveler, musician, practicing cosmovision and ritualism of the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica for over 10 years.
📄✍️ FILL OUT THE QUESTIONNAIRE – to receive it, write a message to info@goldendeerartcenter.com
💸 PAY THE DEPOSIT – if your application is accepted, we will send you details for the advance payment.
🤎 WELCOME – after paying the deposit, your place will be reserved.
The number of places is limited.
🗓️ 27/04/2023 – 30/04/2023
Start: 27.04 at 10:00
End: 30.04. around 19:00
📌 10km northeast of Tulln an der Donau, exact adress will be sent after registration.
During the training, vegetarian meals will be prepared especially for our work by
Guatemalan handicrafts, clothes, cacao, musical instruments will be available.
⁃ Kalendarzmajow.pl – Polish website dedicated to the Traditional Mayan Calendar.
⁃ Nina Dąbrowska – Graphic support and translation
⁃ Graciascacao.pl
⁃ 💎 Konrad Lolo: event website, graphics, copywriting 👉 www.lolodesign.pl
🫶 This is the first training of this type in the history of Europe. If you feel the call, we wish you readiness and courage to answer it.
🙏 Maltyoox.